Saturday 27 March 2010

Nutrition Diets & Weight Loss - The Trigger Factor Exposed

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Often we fall short of the mark and do not reach our desired weight loss. We reflect and analyze the foods we did or didn't consume and take note of our increased activity level only to be discouraged to resume our attempts again. Heredity, set point theory, sex hormones, stress hormones are perhaps our explanations of failed attempts at a healthy nutrition diet.

While there are many causative factors that play a role in nutrition diets, most are synergistic and individual. By this, I mean you cannot look at just one factor in weight loss reduction. As Berry Sears, author of The Zone, Sears states, "diets are like a religion, everyone thinks they have the right one". We can look at scientific studies and use the data and facts we know as true to facilitate our efforts. For example, studies show that the best time to exercise is when insulin is lowest and glucagon is at it highest. In most cases, this is within one hour of waking. "This will set the bodies fat burning thermostat in motion for the day... actually 200% more efficient during exercise at this time". Another fact is that fat "preferably mono unsaturated fats such as avocado, coconut, olive oil, etc.", combined with a carbohydrate will slow the rate at which glucose will rise in the blood stream and also will produce satiety so that no hunger ensues.

I could go on and on with the facts. But I'd rather discuss something so elementary but essential that missing this could be detrimental in ones noble attempt to loose weight and have a healthy nutrition diet.

You may be doing everything right except dismissing the one factor that inhibits the needle on the scale to go to the left or zipper the top of the pants, because the tape measure won't budge. Are you following all the rules, but have "selective exceptions"?

Let's take for instance, a "trigger food". Everyone has a different one. In general, women prefer the taste of sweet foods, while men prefer salty and fatty foods. Therefore, many women may find chocolate candy their trigger food. Men may find potato chips their "trigger food".

A trigger food is in my definition, a consumable substance, that, when eaten in small quantities by most individuals will not produce a substantial deficient in there nutritional quest for weight loss. However in some individuals, if there is a continued desire to reach for more quantities of this nutrient whether it's a fat, carbohydrate, protein or combination thereof it will detour the individual in many and actually cause the opposite desired result weight gain and adversely effect their nutrition diet.

In simplest terms, some people have one food they simply can not have "a little of". Who can eat only 10 M & M's and stop? Some people find this satisfying. But there are people who find this to be there trigger food which will then cause them to cascade in to a downward spiral on dipping compulsively into the M& M bags. Oops and 3 pounds of M & M's are gone! Forget about the 1 hour 5 / day a week walks or the good nutrition the past few days. Because now, all the M & M addict can think about is M & M's, period. "A special rule" and exception to the diet "M & M's will be forgiven!" You can replace M & M's with anything besides ice cream, nachos, french fries, etc. There goes your healthy nutrition diet.

Can you see how one "trigger point food" will throw out all attempts at loosing body fat? Never mind the health benefits that aren't attained.

My advice to you is that you must develop a personal mantra, "I am only _ pounds or inches away from my goal if I eliminate the habit of eating or drinking _. It's that simple "I am keeping my self from my goal by keeping this in my life."

Next I suggest you do not taste it at all. It seemed easier to completely abstain from the substance, period, remove it from the refrigerator, selves, get it out of the house! If your thoughts become aware of not having it, train your mind to redirect its thoughts and do something pro active and productive such as go for a walk, read a book that you've wanted to read, play with your animals or children, make a phone call, etc. You will find in ten minutes you will have resisted the urge and have become pleased with your resolve to stay on the path to a healthy nutrition diet.

While the concept of "trigger food" is simplistic, it is often underestimated in playing the role of the saboteur of body fat/weight loss. It is often unidentified because either one is in denial of eating such large quantities. We must bring our awareness to the forefront and honestly identify this personal enemy so we can develop a strategy to ensure the pursuit for our quest for a healthy nutrition diet.

By: Dr. Gary Gendron

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