Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Bodybuilding Nutrition - How Does A Super Combo Diet Sound?

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Let us ferry first to the Tropics for basic build up and bodybuilding nutrition. You are sitting in the middle of 45,000 acres of jungle woodland, littered with teeming plant life, perhaps a multitude of shimmering pot-herbs, vile ivy-like creeping albizzas, exotic magic mushrooms waiting to be evacuated and robust pomegranates, Umeboshi plums twinkling with decadent aroma. How to discover and arrange permutations of this bounty for healthy muscle gain, a life-time of freaky big muscles plus most importantly, a top of the feeling balance of the mind? How is this the business of the conscious grocery picker in Manitoba?

In the following sections, we will be having a 3 step-by-step discussion of how to catch the wind in your diet, put on fine and calming nerves during your workouts, produce terrific anti-bodies and maintain a healthy balance of body P.H.

The first step would be to set apart the functional qualities in say your vegan diet from its mere nutritional value. This is to isolate in your diet functions which server more than a mere supply of the basic ingredients of what you need to efficiently drive your metabolism. To include functional foods in your diet would mean to include foods that target specific functions in the body.

A functional food may also be one from which components have been removed, such as harmful saturated fatty acids. For instance, beneficial organic compounds produced almost exclusively by members of the Leguminosae (bean) family can now be extracted from Soya and added to products designed to help reduce osteoporosis (a bone disease) and as well promote cardiovascular health.

Same for some commercially produced extracts of garlic bulb which specifically promotes the build up of healthy fats and promotes circulation of blood to the muscles and the brain. Also, some specialty teas such as roobios (Aspalathus Linearis) and honeybush (Cyclopia Intermedia), two tea species widely grown in South Africa are rich in antioxidant flavonoids-substances which boost immunity to allergies, viruses and cancer.

Put in a more straightforward manner, in a single meal of periwinkles ( a miniature kind of clam) gathered from the littoral waters of the Atlantic coasts of West Africa, one could crave its meaty juice for their rich protein content while adoring the chitin enriching flakes made from the shell. Chitin specifically enhances muscular agility and superb nervous co-ordination so that you can fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee and prance with the awesome lithe agility of a Manx cat. Well, the meaty juice of the periwinkle, all good for the packs but the chitin richness of the shell, good for those exclusive Harta Yoga stunts.

The second step would be to access the psycho-pharmacological value of your diet, which also serves different purposes other than the functional value of your diet. Staying in a strong capable body also involves cultivating stable and balanced mental and emotional environments.

The Ayurverdic nutritionist tradition of the Indian civilization holds that food beyond supplying you with the calories, vitamins and proteins, should enhance your bouyant humors states of well being. Your buoyant humors would reflect in your sense of timing during a workout, how effortlessly you are able to satisfy the mental demands of physical exercises, a state of relaxation as you relate with your partner(s) and the exuberance of the emotional colors or vibrations you exude during these moments.

In the Ayurverdic nutritionist tradition of Indian Civilization, vegetarian diets like that of the Soma plant supply you with the "Tapas": motivating immeasurable bouts of energy that allow you to accomplish your tasks while at the same time giving you etheogenous radiance.

The third and final step we will be discussing as so to do with incorporating some degree of body PH measurement into your diet. The basic head on this has to do with shifting your body's PH towards the Alkaline. The PH scale is from 0 to 14, with numbers ranging from 0 to 7 acidic (low in oxygen) and numbers above 7 and through to 14 alkaline. Acidic bodies are sickness magnets.

While there are no strict rules as to combining acidic foods and alkaline foods, it is advisable that a great percentage of the food one consumes should come from the alkalines. I will run a cute list of some acidic and alkaline foods though it is by no means exhaustive.

Alkalizing Vegetables: Alfalfa, barley grass, beets, beet greens, broccoli, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, celery, chard greens, chlorella, collard greens, egg plant.

Acidic Vegetables: Corn, lentils, olives, winter squash.

Alkalizing Fruits: Apple, apricot, avocado, banana, blackberries, cantaloupe, dried dates.

Acidic Fruits: Cranberries, currant, blueberries, canned or glazed fruit

Alkalizing Proteins: Almonds, chestnuts, millet, tempeh (fermented), Tofu (fermented).

Acidic Proteins:Bacon, beef, carp, clams, cod, fish, haddock, lamb, lobster.

Bodybuilding nutrition such as getting a correct proportion of alkaline foods that suits your body's needs is important to maintaining a healthy bodybuilding lifestyle. So remember, arrange your diet for a super combo mix of functionality, psycho-pharmacological values and a healthy PH balance.

By Masszymes

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Saturday, 24 April 2010

Suggested Diet and Nutrition Intake For Autistic Children

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The exact cause of autism is currently unknown, but there are a lot of theories about this alarming ailment. Genetics is most accepted cause of autism, although a number of studies have already indicated that genetics alone cannot be blamed for this disease; since, in order for the genetics to take place, certain factors are needed. Recent studies claim that certain chemicals are the cause of autism. Substances such as heavy metal as well as other oxidants are to be blamed, according to these more radical studies. Children are exposed to these harmful substances, even though they do not have the proper capacity to protect themselves for their effects. While autism as a result of external factors rather than genetics is still a debatable issue, the number of researches and studies pointing to other possible causes for autism is too overwhelming to ignore.

The debate may still be ongoing, but all these unresolved issues have at least one thing in common: what children take in may have caused autism. Therefore, what autism patients take in can also affect their development. This holds true for several reasons.

For one, the bodily functions of autistic children are different. Besides certain physical and mental inabilities, autistic children cannot digest properly, for instance. Because of this, the bowel movements of children with autism become irregular. This inability to properly digest also causes a more severe problem other than a leaky gut. Since they cannot break down the food they eat properly, certain chemicals and substances remain in the body. These substances can be harmful, causing further damage to their body—specifically their brain.

Two substances specifically linked to this problem are gluten and casein. Gluten is a type of protein, found in wheat and rye. On the other hand, casein is found in milk products such as cheese. In essence, these proteins are too complex to digest for autistic children, and the undigested chemicals become harmful toxins that seep into different parts of the body, such as the brain, that could cause severe damages.

In short, many suggest a gluten and casein free diet for autistic children in order to prevent these damages. Many parents would find this diet hard to follow, since wheat and milk can be found in most of the food products children commonly eat. However, the advantage of such diet is could be surprising as well. Besides preventing further damages, a gluten and casein free diet can help improve an autistic child’s reaction to medication and therapy. A gluten-free diet can be restricting, especially when done long-term, especially since food with gluten is important

This makes supplements important for autistic children. With additional supplements, autistic children can recover from whatever nutrients they lack from a gluten and casein-free diet. According to studies conducted by the University of Arkansas and the University of Texas, a child with autism does not have regular antioxidant levels and immune functions. Antioxidants can help detoxify harmful elements in the body, while proper immune functions are necessary in order to ward off diseases.

By Donna Mason

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Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Nutrition Vs. Diet: Are You Getting the Nutrients Your Body Needs?

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Today we hear the word diet much more than we hear the word nutrition. There are so many diets on the market that it’s easy to get lost in the fad and forget what nutrition truly is. There is the Atkins Diet, the Zone Diet, Weight Watchers and many others, from Slim Fast to the various one-food diets, such as the cabbage soup diet or the grapefruit diet. Society has become fixated on the ‘diet’, instead of quality nutrition. Unfortunately, this fixation isn’t working. America is the fattest nation in the world, with high rates of diabetes, heart disease and other life threatening illnesses. While diets are becoming more popular, nutrition is suffering.

What is a diet?

While many people think a diet is a set of rules you follow to try to lose weight, your diet is actually the food that you eat to supply your body with the nutrients it needs to function properly. While an average American diet consists of large quantities of processed sugar, white flour, meat and fast foods, a healthy diet is one that supplies the body with vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants and enzymes. These nutritional building blocks affect your energy levels, your quality of life, and have a direct affect on your mood, memory, eyesight, body functions and lifespan. Without a healthy diet that supplies the body with much needed nutrients, you are more susceptible to colds, infections, and illnesses. Your diet, in other words your nutrition, is what sustains your life.

Nutritional Labels

There is much confusion surrounding nutritional labels. Most people look strictly toward the top for calories, fat grams and serving size information. The truth is that nutritional labels offer a look at the nutrients in one’s food, such as vitamins A, C, D and E, as well as calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc and folic acid. This information, although lower down on the nutritional label, is very important information if you are seeking to supply your body with nutrients, as opposed to empty calories.

The most important aspect of a nutritional label, although almost completely overlooked, is the actual ingredients within your food. While it may be easier to check to see how many calories and fat grams a certain food product has in each serving, when it comes to healthy nutrition the most important ingredient is what you are actually ingesting. It may have only 220 calories, but where are those calories coming from? Are you ingesting mostly corn syrup and sodium phosphate, or high amounts of preservatives, such as sorbic acid and sulfur dioxide? The ingredients in your food are the tell-tale clues to how much nutrition you are actually taking in. If your food is strictly cheese and flour, as opposed to nutrient providing vegetables and vitamins, it doesn’t really matter if the calories are low.

A Nutritional Diet

Nutrition comes from vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Food sources that are rich with nutrients are whole, living foods that are supplied from the earth. Dark leafy greens offer more calcium than milk, while beans and grains offer high amounts of iron. It is easy to turn your focus from diet to nutrition. And when you do, you might find yourself eating a diet that is rich in nutrients and optimal for losing weight.

By Kelly Drummond

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Friday, 16 April 2010

Utilizing Nutrition And Diet Therapy

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It’s no secret that the relationship between nutrition and overall health is recognized as legitimate and fundamental. The food we choose to put into our bodies has a profound and lasting impact on our weight, our health, and, ultimately, our longevity. A poor diet can mean a lifetime of illness and disease. But sadly, most people do not heed the advice of experts until they are facing a health crisis; at which time they embark upon nutrition and diet therapy to help put their bodies back into balance.

Nutrition and diet therapy works to eliminate those poor nutritional choices from the diet and replace them with choices focused on whole, natural foods. In some cases, it can be an overhaul in lifestyle; significantly minimizing – or even eliminating – foods that are fried, processed, or high in salt, sugar, or saturated fats. Nutrition and diet therapy will instead ask you to include fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and low-fat diary products as the staples in your diet.

This is by no means an easy lifestyle change for someone who is used to canned or boxed products and a steady stream of fast food. But it is a necessary change if you want to live a life of optimum health. In addition to the obvious advantages of implementing this lifestyle is the fact the payoff is immediate in terms of how you feel. You’ll immediately begin to feel healthier and more energized.

Apart from choosing the right kinds of food as a part of nutrition and diet therapy, there is also choosing the right amount of food. If most people would practice simple portion control, they could limit their calories enough to make a major impact on their weight and overall health.

Another part of nutrition and diet therapy is the flushing of your system. It is imperative that you drink at least eight glasses of water on a daily basis. Water acts as a natural appetite suppressant, hydrates and flushes the body, speeds the metabolism, and aids digestion.

Nutrition and diet therapy works to put your body back in line with what it needs to be healthy and efficient. If you are having difficulty making the right choices, work with a nutritionist to help develop a meal plan that works for you.

By Michelle Bery

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Monday, 12 April 2010

Diet And Nutrition Explained

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When the words diet and nutrition are mentioned people often think of all the harsh diets they have heard about which means cutting out favorite foods. When it comes to nutrition they think of going to a dietitian. However dieting and nutrition is a lot easier than this and it does not mean having to go on a strict unbearable diet, it just means using common sense.

Anyone can eat a healthy diet and get the nutrition which the body needs. A healthy diet means just adding different foods to the diet and being aware of the foods which carry the essential nutrients. You do not have to make drastic changes just use common sense and cut down on the foods which contain salt, fatty foods and sugar.

There is nothing mysterious about a healthy diet and nutrition. The nutrition essentials include eating plenty of fresh fruit and veg per day, including foods which have starch in them and including foods which are rich in protein in your diet. Just as important is making sure you drink enough water throughout the day with the recommended minimum being 1.2 litres.

When it comes to fruit and veg then experts recommend eating at the very least 5 portions per day. Of course a mixture of fruit and veg is recommended to make sure that you are getting a good mix of vitamins and nutrients. Fruit and veg should preferably be fresh but tinned, frozen and even the extracted juice can count towards your daily allowance. Where possible eat vegetables raw or if you must cook them then lightly steam them as valuable vitamins are lost if you overcook. Also do not store them for long periods of time but eat them as soon as possible. If you are boiling veg then use the minimum amount of water and consider using the water as a stock base to make a soup.

A diet and nutrition plan is easy to follow with a little knowledge about food and including starchy foods in your diet is essential. Starchy food groups such as potatoes, rice, pasta and cereals should be eaten daily and again a mixture is essential. The wholegrain breads, grains and rice are preferable and should account for about a third of your daily diet. Including starchy foods in your daily diet is needed to keep your energy levels up and is one of the main sources of the nutrients we need on a daily basis. This is also a great way to get the iron, B vitamins, fibre and calcium that the body needs to remain fit and healthy.

When diet and nutrition is explained it takes away the confusion many people have regarding a healthy diet. There is no need to follow a crazy restrictive diet or to limit yourself to just eating certain types of foods as many "fad" diets insist. If you want to change your lifestyle and your diet and start eating a healthier diet then just think about the different foods that make up a healthy diet and start including them in your diet.

By Jason Hulott1

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Thursday, 8 April 2010

Proper Diet And Nutrition - You Are What You Eat

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What have you been eating lately? Do you usually include vegetables and fruits in your regular diet? Or are you fond of cholesterol-rich and carbohydrate-filed kinds of food? No matter how old you are, you should take better care of yourself by eating right. Don't just begin eating right just because you are reaching middle age. Even if you are still very young, alive and kicking, don't think that you just have to eat anything edible. Make sure that only eat foods that have ample nutritional value.

It is a fact that the meals served at fast food chains have low nutritional values. There is actually no nutritional content to those oily, overly-fried burgers and fries. They will not be able to give you strong bones and muscles. What they can give you is unwanted fats and maybe even heart disease. For you to be able to avoid being overweight, getting a heart disease or diabetes, ditch these unhealthy foods now. If you like eating at fast food chains, break the habit. It is easier said than done, of course, but just think about how much your body will be better off without those junk. Make sure to eat fruits and vegetables everyday. Oh, you should not only watch what you eat, but what you drink as well. Don't drown yourself in sodas, fizzy drinks and those lattes or mocchachinos. Too much carbonated drink and caffeine is not good for the body. Drink as much water as you can everyday. You can never go wrong with fresh fruit juices, too. If you like meat, then you can turn to chicken and fish instead of eating too much beef and pork.

If you want to start eating right, there is no better time to start that now. Incorporate food with nutritional value into your daily menu. You will not have a hard time learning about different foods and what they can contribute to your health. Go online and research of food and nutrition. Now what do you think people would say if your diet consists of junk food? How do you think your own body will react if you don't eat the right kinds of food? Don't forget, you are what you eat.

By Luke Cameron

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Sunday, 4 April 2010

Nutrition, Diet And Exercise

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Whether you are trying to lose weight or live an active healthy life style, nutrition and exercise are vital to your health. We have become as a whole in the western culture, a couch potato, slow moving, over weight and flaccid society. Of course there will always be that smaller percentage of people who get it right and remain fit and healthy. But those that do, make a conscious effort at it with diet and exercise. Well done if you are in that category!

Part of the problem is that because we as humans have it ingrained in us to constantly change things, we are the only creatures that invent food. No other animal or insect does this and they don’t have the diseases humans do unless we have poisoned their environment. We have so much in the way of processed food that have little nutrient value, that we pack on the pounds and become slower moving.

In the wild, animals that eat the raw greens, grasses fruits and berries are very healthy animals. The meat-eating animals consume the healthy plant-eating animals and remain virtually disease free. Our farms on the other hand, need to mass-produce cattle and chickens so we give them hormones and phosphates and the like and we consume them. That is by the way, some experts now think younger girls are developing much earlier than they used to because of the hormones in meat and dairy products. We can however, luckily eat raw organic fruits and vegetables and we should do so on a daily basis.

Another culprit is our need to once again, change our environment. We have more machines that do things for us now and it won’t stop there. This is both good and bad. The good is a higher rate of production for the products we need, bad because we are slowing down physically. In as little as ten years ago we could go out on a Sunday morning and see someone pushing his or her lawn mower. (And I mean pushing). Now a days, you’ll see more of sit down mowers or power mowers that literally pull you along with it. Our fore fathers were much more active and they ate nutrient rich foods. And they could eat a lot of it without getting fat because of how much energy they spent from hard physical labor.

Is all lost for us in this day and age? Absolutely not!!! We are perfectly capable of reversing this trend, but it does require a) your dedication and b) follow through. This can be done no matter what your weight and activity level.

Make your first step the decision to become healthy and fit. Once you have firmly made that decision you are on your way. Now take the time to evaluate your lifestyle and really look at it. Be honest with yourself about your eating habits and activity level.

Changing your diet to eating healthy whole foods is a good way to start. It’ll not only help you lose weight and help you feel better, but it will enhance your quality of life. You’ll have more energy and life just feels better when you are healthy.

There are many popular diets out there. The Zone, the Blood Type Diet, Atkins, the South Beach Diet, Weight Watchers and the list goes on. They all have had their share of successes so it is hard sometimes to know what to do. I can only say, do your homework. You will find the right one that works for you and you will be more likely to stick to it.

If you want to do it on your own you can be just as successful if you know some basic rules.

1) Portion control. Cutting down to smaller portions can help tremendously. A great
way to eat less food at one sitting is to drink a glass of water before you eat and then drink more water with your meal. Water takes up a lot of space in your stomach so you will feel full faster and water won’t give you any extra calories. Awesome!

2) Water, water, water. Drink lots of clean pure water. Your body needs it and more than you think. Most North Americans are in a state of semi dehydration. Water flushes out toxins, gets your bowels moving. (Did you know that the amount of pain you feel from injury or minor aches and pains are directly proportional to how dehydrated you are? An interesting tid bit)

3) Eat raw fruits and vegetables as much as you can especially dark greens. Cooked veggies lose some of their nutrients so eating a salad every day would benefit you. Most of your vitamins and minerals are going to come from fresh fruits and leafy green vegetables. And try to stick to organic on this to avoid the pesticides and chemicals.

4) Fiber. You need to keep the bowels moving and the combination of water and fiber will do the trick. The best fiber comes from fruit and whole grains. But consider this: You would need to eat 10 bran muffins to get the same amount of fiber as in a half cup of raspberries.

5) Protein. The best source of protein is from meats such as beef, chicken or turkey. But do limit the amount you eat at one time. You don’t need a 10 or 12oz piece of meat at one sitting. You can get protein from dairy and cheese but consume only small amounts because they digest too slowly. Nut is a source of protein but they are high in fat so consume small amounts.

6) Sugar, confectionary treats, soda’s, junk foods and some processed foods are your enemy. Nothing gives you weight gain and that sluggish feeling quite like this grouping. I am not saying you should never partake of them, but do so only occasionally. We do after all need our cheat days once in a while. Just make them small portions.

7) Find an exercise regimen that you like and will stick to. Pretty much any exercise program will help you lose weight if you stick with it. You will see on TV all the equipment people want to sell you but after watching for a bit you usually know what appeals to you or not. You may just want to pop in a video and exercise with that.

8) I can’t say enough about sticking with your program. It takes time and you can experience losses in the beginning when it seems it is not going fast enough, but if you stick with it, you will get your reward and you will reach your goal weight and have energy to burn.

9) And finally, because some of food is deficient in nutrients from growing in poor over used soil it might be a good idea to get some good vitamin supplements to assisting in getting our daily requirements in. Getting it in food is the best but that is hard to do these days so find a qualified nutritionist to help you in selecting what’s best for you.

By Willie Jones

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