Wednesday 31 March 2010

All About Diet And Nutrition

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With the fast-paced, technologically driven world people are now living, who would have the slightest idea that the most important rampart of normal living is being neglected?

Undeniably, because of the busy courses of people’s lives, people tend to forget some of the vital fragments in maintaining a healthy lifestyle—diet and nutrition.


The terms “diet” and “nutrition” are defined into two different sentences but are greatly connected. By definition, “diet” refers to the food and liquid intake of a person while “nutrition” pertains to the science of dealing with food and nourishment. When these two are combined, an entirely new meaning can be derived. More than the issues of food and liquid intake and the science of food and nourishment, diet and nutrition can revolve around nutritional information on various dietary supplements and the benefits vitamins and minerals to a person’s body.

Making yourself familiar with latest diet and nutrition topics, trends, and tips can lead you to the renewal of your health and well being commitment inside your home. You must remember that it’s never too late to redirect your eating habits, but before you take that drastic change, learn what are the common diet and nutrition mistakes so you can avoid them.

1. Careless assumption that the food choices you have are better than they actually are. Experts say that people who are very particular about diet and nutrition have larger tendencies of thinking and believing that their food choices are healthier than they really are. Make sure that you eat whole, fresh, and unprocessed foods whenever possible.

2. Confusion over carbohydrates. Although many people say that low carb diets are effective, experts say that there are excellent carbs that make people eat less. So before you cut down on carbs totally, make sure that you have consulted your dietician if this diet will be good for you.

3. You think you’re eating too much when you’re not. Experts say that one of the most common mistakes people make is that they overestimate and underestimate the amount of food their body needs. Make sure that you monitor the portion sizes of your food.

4. Not eating enough food or not eating often. Overeating and under eating may put the person at risk because it disrupts disrupting blood sugar and insulin levels. Make sure that you eat something every three hours and don’t starve before eating the next meal.

5. Neglecting the value of regular exercise. Making exercise a regular part of your life can definitely contribute to great diet and nutrition.

6. Taking in a lot of dietary supplements. A vitamin or dietary pill is a supplement that is meant to complement a person’s diet; therefore it should not be considered as substitutes for the foods you’re supposed to be eating. Experts say that one all-purpose multivitamin a day is enough to complement the nutrients you don’t get from the foods you don’t eat.

7. Following nutrition and weight loss guidelines by the book. Since people are different, it is only natural for them to have individual needs. Although diet and nutrition plans work for the majority of people, not everything can help you improve you overall diet and nutrition.

By Low Jeremy

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Saturday 27 March 2010

Nutrition Diets & Weight Loss - The Trigger Factor Exposed

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Often we fall short of the mark and do not reach our desired weight loss. We reflect and analyze the foods we did or didn't consume and take note of our increased activity level only to be discouraged to resume our attempts again. Heredity, set point theory, sex hormones, stress hormones are perhaps our explanations of failed attempts at a healthy nutrition diet.

While there are many causative factors that play a role in nutrition diets, most are synergistic and individual. By this, I mean you cannot look at just one factor in weight loss reduction. As Berry Sears, author of The Zone, Sears states, "diets are like a religion, everyone thinks they have the right one". We can look at scientific studies and use the data and facts we know as true to facilitate our efforts. For example, studies show that the best time to exercise is when insulin is lowest and glucagon is at it highest. In most cases, this is within one hour of waking. "This will set the bodies fat burning thermostat in motion for the day... actually 200% more efficient during exercise at this time". Another fact is that fat "preferably mono unsaturated fats such as avocado, coconut, olive oil, etc.", combined with a carbohydrate will slow the rate at which glucose will rise in the blood stream and also will produce satiety so that no hunger ensues.

I could go on and on with the facts. But I'd rather discuss something so elementary but essential that missing this could be detrimental in ones noble attempt to loose weight and have a healthy nutrition diet.

You may be doing everything right except dismissing the one factor that inhibits the needle on the scale to go to the left or zipper the top of the pants, because the tape measure won't budge. Are you following all the rules, but have "selective exceptions"?

Let's take for instance, a "trigger food". Everyone has a different one. In general, women prefer the taste of sweet foods, while men prefer salty and fatty foods. Therefore, many women may find chocolate candy their trigger food. Men may find potato chips their "trigger food".

A trigger food is in my definition, a consumable substance, that, when eaten in small quantities by most individuals will not produce a substantial deficient in there nutritional quest for weight loss. However in some individuals, if there is a continued desire to reach for more quantities of this nutrient whether it's a fat, carbohydrate, protein or combination thereof it will detour the individual in many and actually cause the opposite desired result weight gain and adversely effect their nutrition diet.

In simplest terms, some people have one food they simply can not have "a little of". Who can eat only 10 M & M's and stop? Some people find this satisfying. But there are people who find this to be there trigger food which will then cause them to cascade in to a downward spiral on dipping compulsively into the M& M bags. Oops and 3 pounds of M & M's are gone! Forget about the 1 hour 5 / day a week walks or the good nutrition the past few days. Because now, all the M & M addict can think about is M & M's, period. "A special rule" and exception to the diet "M & M's will be forgiven!" You can replace M & M's with anything besides ice cream, nachos, french fries, etc. There goes your healthy nutrition diet.

Can you see how one "trigger point food" will throw out all attempts at loosing body fat? Never mind the health benefits that aren't attained.

My advice to you is that you must develop a personal mantra, "I am only _ pounds or inches away from my goal if I eliminate the habit of eating or drinking _. It's that simple "I am keeping my self from my goal by keeping this in my life."

Next I suggest you do not taste it at all. It seemed easier to completely abstain from the substance, period, remove it from the refrigerator, selves, get it out of the house! If your thoughts become aware of not having it, train your mind to redirect its thoughts and do something pro active and productive such as go for a walk, read a book that you've wanted to read, play with your animals or children, make a phone call, etc. You will find in ten minutes you will have resisted the urge and have become pleased with your resolve to stay on the path to a healthy nutrition diet.

While the concept of "trigger food" is simplistic, it is often underestimated in playing the role of the saboteur of body fat/weight loss. It is often unidentified because either one is in denial of eating such large quantities. We must bring our awareness to the forefront and honestly identify this personal enemy so we can develop a strategy to ensure the pursuit for our quest for a healthy nutrition diet.

By: Dr. Gary Gendron

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Tuesday 23 March 2010

Maintaining a Healthy Diet While Dining Out

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The modern family of today is much different than a family of earlier times. It seems there isn't enough time in a day to get all of the scheduled activities that are planned let alone having time to cook dinner. So, probably more often than you want, you end up at a restaurant to speed up the process. The problem is, if you are concerned for maintaining a healthy diet, you may find it difficult to find healthy choices in many restaurants.

If this sounds familiar to you, it's okay. Just remember that it is not only about eating healthy but also making good choices in those times healthy nutritious food is not available. Start first by learning about nutrition and things your body needs to stay active and healthy. Then make the best choices you can from your available options. One mistake people typically make is their drink selection. You may think it is okay to enjoy a bottle of beer or a mixed beverage before or with dinner but in reality all you are doing is taking in empty calories that have no benefit to your body. The one exception to the rule when it comes to alcohol is wine, especially red wine, which may be okay if you have only one glass. It may even help prevent heart disease in some people.

The obvious part of the menu you should skip over is the appetizers. Unless you start with a small salad, appetizers are usually foods that are high in fat content and that can actually make you crave more high fat foods. If you just focus on your main course you should be able to easily resist the temptation. But if you just can't resist, you should at least try to get a single serving that everyone at the table can share.

Choosing your main dish is when you will test your knowledge of healthy food, and your ability to resist foods for their taste. You should make choices with your health as your main concern. Anything that has creamy sauces or meats that have a lot of fat should be passed over for healthier things such as non-breaded fish or a leaner cut of meat. And please skip side dishes like French fries, mashed potatoes and onion rings. Those can easily be replaced with a nice serving of vegetables or can be eliminated completely when vegetables are not available.

One thing that cannot be stressed enough is portion size. A good way to eat smaller portions is to order from the lunch menu. Lunch portions are typically much smaller than the dinner portions so the decision should be an easy one. Another way to ensure you eat smaller portions is to split your meal in two and ask for the other half to be packed in a doggie bag. This helps you in two ways. First you don't eat as much and second you have a nice meal you can enjoy for lunch or dinner the next day.

When you have finished your meal, you may be tempted to order desert. This may be especially true when you first start eating smaller portions, because you may feel you are still hungry. But just like you did with the appetizers, you need to skip the temptation or order one serving for everyone at the table to share. You may not realize this but many deserts have more calories than the entire meal you just ate. Special occasions, like birthday parties and such are times you can cheat a little when it comes to desert but for your overall health and well being, deserts should be avoided completely.

Knowing which foods are okay and which to avoid will help you make healthy choices when eating in a restaurant. It is ultimately your will power and commitment to healthy living that will help you make those choices so you will need to be on guard and not give in to temptation. Now go out and enjoy!

By Jim Batuyong

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Friday 19 March 2010

Building Muscle and Nutrition Diet

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Your body requires nutrition and the challenge is to feed it proper type of nutrition so that it will have the right nutrients for a muscle building routine. Your workout will mean nothing if your body is not getting the nutritional needs it needs. You can make the best use of your muscle building routine if you eat the right things and choose the proper nutritional meals.

The most important factor in a muscle building training program is what type of foods that are eaten and what type of nutritional value they have. All foods will contain a certain amount carbohydrates, fat, and protein. So to maintain a healthy muscle building body, it is imperative that one knows the right combination of nutritious foods to eat.

A workout routine is best suited if protein is consumed. Make sure that around 20 percent of fat and 40 percent of carbohydrates and protein are consumed to guarantee that you are maximizing your nutritional needs.

By eating vegetables, oatmeal, and potatoes, you will have all of the "good" carbohydrates needed for muscle building. These carbohydrates are not the ones you get from sugary treats, fattening foods and desserts. Having this knowledge, if do not think you should eat something that is questionable, then you probably should not eat it.

Muscle building nutrition does not only mean what types of foods that you should eat, it is how those foods are consumed. Instead of eating small bits of foods all day, you should eat four well balanced meals each day to keep a balanced nutritional diet.

Include healthy fruits and vegetables in every meal and also make sure you eat a healthy breakfast. You should not cut fat completely out of your diet, just make sure to avoid any unhealthy fats like vegetable oils or corn oils.

Water consumption is a must and make sure you do not have any caffeinated drinks. They mostly contain sugars which are not good for you and also contain many calories that make your workout session feel useless. Make sure that you keep water near you to keep you hydrated.

Lastly, processed foods are more nutritional than unprocessed foods. Unprocessed foods are meats, fruits and vegetables and processed foods are items like canned meat, pizza or frozen dinners.

Maintaining a nutritional well balanced diet is very important aspect while muscle building. To build an attractive muscle building physique it is imperative that a good well balanced nutritional diet is followed. It does not matter how much time you spend working out if you do not spend the effort to get your diet in order.

By Jim Suzak

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Tuesday 16 March 2010

Healthy Vegetarian Nutritional Diet

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Our health needs proper nourishment and nutritional diet with vitamins, it can be both vegetarian and non vegetarian. A question arises that what is a vegetarian diet?
Some people get tensed about certain diet for different reasons; there can be many reasons like weight loss and beauty because there is not only one pattern for vegetarian diet eating.

A full amount vegetarian diet is a "vegan" that a diet that includes green vegetables, fresh fruits, seeds, nuts, grains which are dried beans and peas. In the dominant time non - are also into food but also include fish, chicken, eggs and dairy foodstuffs into their diet but no red meat.

Healthy food types

Fruits and Vegetables: This group shows varieties of healthy foods that are the most intense and full of nutrient contents like apple, banana, papaya, and many more fruits that are helpful. Vegetables have less sugar contents compared to fruits. Healthy fruits should be consumed in your daily diet. Most fruits and vegetables are found to be fighters of cancer and heart problems.

Healthy Fats and Carbohydrates: These food groups are essential structural components of healthy livelihood cells and great sources of energy which is a needed diet by our body. This food groups include simple sugars, gums, cellulose and starches.

Dietary Fiber: This type of food group helps in balance and regularity in the system’s body. Fiber consumption helps in controlling your calorie eating which results to the promotion of weight loss. Blood sugars of diabetic people are also controlled with the help of dietary fibers; healthy fiber may also help in reducing your risk for having cardiovascular diseases and some certain cancers.

Meat, Fish and chicken: This group of food are high-quality sources of protein and critically full of fat acids .Proteins are essential to the growth and development of your body. It also helps in the preservation and restoring of our body tissues.

Nutritional requirement

Fiber sources: - Through fiber sources our body gets some effective energy, to protect our body from diseases this source of energy is in some foods that are as shown below:

* soybeans and peas

* psyllium seed husk

* carrots and broccoli(vegetable)

* onions, potatoes

* fruits and their juices (plums, berries, and prune juice)

Fiber sources are now associated with reduced risk of getting sick with the following diseases:

* gastrointestinal disorders

* obesity

* Several types of cancer

* high-blood cholesterol

* type 2 diabetes

* cardiovascular diseases

Vitamins - Vitamins are Vitamin B and Vitamin C, which needs to be replaced on a daily basis. Fat soluble vitamins are the types of vitamins that can be stored in our body for as long as the body needs them. There are two types of vitamins - water-soluble vitamins and fat soluble vitamins. Water-soluble vitamins dissolve faster with water which can’t be stored in our body for longer periods of time; they travel through our bloodstream and the excess which the body will have no more use with will be extracted out from it by means of urine or sweat.

By Jyoti

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Thursday 11 March 2010

Healthy Nutrition Diet

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A healthy food is beneficial for each and every person. It is important to take care of your body and if you, you will reap the good benefits. A healthy food does not need to be boring! It should be tasty, balanced too. If you feel bored with a healthy food, you will quickly yield to passion it! The body works like a machine - if you put good and healthy foods in, it will appear and perform better. For that we should take the healthy diet such as vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, nuts and whole grain products, etc.

Healthy meals are more fun and tasty than unhealthy food. Usually fatty meals are only to satisfaction and enjoyment of a meal and not satisfy our health. When ones you adopt to eat healthy foods, you'll be forced to make hem tasty and variety in all kinds of different ways.

To work best, our body needs vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins and liquids. A good vegetable, fruits, grains and proteins keeps our body healthy. Eating this kind of food prevents from the risk of illnesses such as cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease, blood cholesterol. A deficient diet can result in obesity, and anemia. It is possible to have healthy food delivered to your door, either fresh ingredients or prepared meals. It is a bad idea to needed yourself totally of your favorite foods, but the occasional slice of chocolate and cake is good. You don't need to eliminate anything out completely. . You can make good choices and substitute one food choice for another. However, Changes should be made gradually. You can begin by introducing more fresh fruit and vegetables into your diet are beneficial. Always keep adopt to go through the labels of the food item about content of added salt, sugar and fat, etc. whatever you purchased from market.

Another main problem that people face is trying to lose weight that they have a dependence on the fatty and unhealthy foods that they are used to eat. They feel that by giving up these foods they are punishing themselves.

Choosing the best healthy food to eat should include many factors. Three important healthy foods to eat factors are the following:

1. Avoid white flour and pizza items it contains large amount of calories, Even though you're getting nutrition from the vegetables, the overall effect support against towards a negative due to the other fat gaining ingredients. Much bread available on the market which are being encourage as a healthy food to eat actually contain high sodium levels. High amount of sodium has a lot of negative possibilities to spoil the health. Also fruit and vegetables that we believe to be a healthy food to eat but it might also contain sodium solution to preserve the product. fresh fruits and vegetables are always good for healthy life.

2. Avoid deep fry, try grilling or baking instead deep fry and try to add high fiber diet. Always take fiber
content and low fat diet: like if have to eat bread go to wheat bread (Brown bread), include more quantity of green and color vegetables and fruits such as carrot, beetroot, orange, apple papaya and guava, especially guava is very good for diabetes and papaya is good for blood cholesterol and heart diseases it melts the fat sediments which mixed in our blood.

Once you have to adopt some time on healthy food diets, you'll find it very hard to go back to your old one. These are just some of the main reasons to get into a healthy food diet, so make that decision today to change your diet and change your lifestyle.

By pavithra

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Wednesday 10 March 2010

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